Monitoring Coordination and Protocols

The Estuary Partnership has been monitoring ecosystems in the Lower Columbia River since 2003.
Our Methods:

In 2023, the Estuary Partnership released new protocols for monitoring juvenile salmonid habitat in the lower Columbia River. This effort draws upon and refines previous methods initially developed as the Roegner Protocols in 2009. Monitoring data includes factors such as hydrology, water quality, elevation, remote sensing, plant community, vegetation plantings, and fish community.

In addition to these protocols, we developed an update to Water Surface Elevation and Temperature Data Collection in 2018, an accompanying presentation is here. In 2019, we further updated monitoring protocols for wetland restoration, as well. 

Find additional information on Tidal Marsh Monitoring at this site.

We strongly encourage project sponsors to utilize these standardized protocols, so that monitoring data can be comparable across projects. If you have specific questions about our monitoring program or protocols, please contact the monitoring lead Sarah Kidd by email or at 971-380-3768.